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Grout imitation technology

Unigrout is a specially designed bevel technology that is almost identical to real grouted grooves.

Designed to meet the diverse needs of modern interiors, Unigrout combines the aesthetic appeal of ceramic tiles with the practical benefits of vinyl.

  • Click or glue-down dryback applications
  • No grouting after installation needed
  • Different design options

Easy installation 

Choose the integrated click system for floating installation or a glue-down dryback.

The click solution features a variation of Unilin’s renowned Uniclic locking system, offering unmatched performance and easy installation.


Limitless design 

Unigrout provides a level installation with equal grout lines for a uniform look throughout the installation.

  • Middle groove options for square tile illusion 
  • Different lacquer options
  • Different width and depth bevel possibilities 


Unigrout black bevel
Unigrout dark

Expansion-adaptable for a seamless look

The different bevel width and depth options allow for alignment to your needs. Choose a deeper bevel for expansion adaptability or a modern bevel for minimal maintenance.

Deeper bevel solutions are perfect for rooms with varying temperatures, such as rooms with big windows. 

Why choose Unigrout?

No grout needed

no need to grout

Ceramic imitation

perfect ceramic imitation

Unigrout no sharp edges 0

no sharp edges

Unigrout different bevel widths and depths

different bevel widths and depths possible

Color+contrast 3

diverse lacquer color options


Unigrout factsheet (1.62 MB)

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