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Unilin resolves SPC trademark issue for its licensed partners


Unilin Technologies, the IP and technology division of Unilin, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with i4F relating to the use of US “SPC” trademark. This agreement resolves the issues surrounding “SPC” branded products in the US market, ensuring freedom to operate for Unilin’s licensees and their partners.

Unilin unveils modern grout solution at Domotex Asia 2024


Unilin Technologies, the IP and technology division of Unilin, is thrilled to announce the launch of Unigrout Slim, a grout imitation bevel that brings the sophisticated appearance of ceramic tiles to vinyl flooring without the need for actual grout. Unigrout Slim will make its premiere at Domotex Shanghai, offering attendees an exclusive first look at this innovative product design.

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Unilin continues to defend SPC patent portfolio against Vilox


Unilin Technologies, a global leader in flooring innovation, stands firm in its dedication to protecting its extensive SPC patent portfolio. On January 30, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ruled that a specific non-foamed SPC product from a single Vilox licensee is not covered by the three patents asserted in the 2019 Unilin ITC action. US Customs and Border Protection however agreed with Unilin’s argumentation that the ruling should be limited to the unique non-foamed SPC sample Vilox presented to CBP. Unilin already filed a district court complaint against Vilox based on different patents within their SPC portfolio.

"The recent CBP decision is not very relevant for the current market situation,” according to Bart Van der Stockt, President of Unilin Technologies. “The three patents asserted in the 2019 ITC action were selected based on alleged infringing products at that time. Vilox was not active at that moment so SPC products with Vilox technology were not considered during the patent selection. Unilin’s SPC/LVT patent portfolio is more extensive than those three ITC patents and we have already taken action against Vilox based on other patents within that portfolio. In addition, the ruling is limited to the specific non-foamed SPC product sample at issue. This means that US Customs’ duty, to check every shipment that comes in the US market on compliance with our General Exclusion Order, has not changed.”

Unilin’s SPC/LVT patent portfolio consists of 120 granted US patents and 45 US patent applications in total, covering various technological aspects crucial to the success of SPC technology. On January 24, 2024, Unilin filed a complaint against Vilox based on patents of this SPC patent portfolio which were not included in the 2019 ITC action.

Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are encouraged to engage with Unilin for comprehensive legal guidance and protection within the patent landscape of SPC technology.

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